Where, oh where, has the Republican Party gone? Where, oh where, can it be?

Gov. DeSantis is a lifelong Republican.  It was not that long ago that the Republican party stood for:

  • free enterprise

  • elimination of wasteful spending

  • limited government

Pres. Ronald Reagan, who led the Republican Party for decades, often spoke out on these topics.

Regarding free enterprise, Reagan, in 1987, launched an initiative called America’s Economic Bill of Rights.  Among the rights enumerated was “freedom to work.”  Reagan said: “You have the right to pursue your livelihood in your own way, free from excessive government regulation.”

But what has DeSantis done to free enterprise in Florida?

  • Last November, he signed into law a bill restricting businesses’ ability to mandate vaccines.

  • Regarding the ability of businesses to require face masks during the pandemic, in February, the Florida Health Dept. advised businesses against requiring facial coverings for employees.  DeSantis said: “It’s past time for these workers to be liberated from corporate…policies.”

Reagan often spoke about government waste.  In 1982 he said: “…[We must] work like tireless bloodhounds to root out government inefficiency and waste of tax dollars.”

Yet, what has DeSantis done?  He just signed into law a bill to spend $3.7 million in taxpayers’ dollars to create a Voter Police Force, even though in 2020 he stated: “The way Florida did it, I think inspired confidence.  I think that’s how elections should be run.”

On limiting government, Reagan had this to say in his Farewell Address to the nation in 1989: “I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited.  There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as the law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.”

 Has DeSantis adhered to that axiom?  Not even close, and this is just one example: included in the 2021 “Anti-riot bill” (which is currently blocked by the courts), the governor is given the authority to assume control over local budgets should elected local leaders decide to reduce law enforcement funding.  

There are roughly 3.8 million Floridians who are registered as No Party Affiliate voters.  No doubt, among these are former Republicans who, at election time, will need to be reminded that the party of DeSantis no longer represents them.

Bob Villa, Democratic Club of St. Lucie County At-Large Board Member